
Friday, September 14, 2012


** Free for very limited time! Download now. ***


iPhone Screenshot 1

visolu2 will help you to quickly locate any photo on your device. It is the only app you need for organizing, viewing and finding your photos fast.

View hundreds or even thousands of your photos simultaneously without losing the overview. Find your images in various viewing modes, mapped on a sphere or as perspective view. Navigate visually through your image set.

visolu2 is very intuitive, offering easy drag and zoom controls.
* Attractive, easy-to-use interface
* Unique color sorted view of all your photos
* View in album map or columned list
* View your photos on a plane, a perspective view or even on a sphere
* Photos with similarities are grouped together
* Search for photos visually similar to a sample photo
* Find out where a photo was taken
* Full-featured photo viewer (zoom, pan & swipe navigation)
* Slideshow (dissolve and wipe transition)
* Video player
* Email photos from right inside the app

pixolution Web Site

visolu2, will be freely available until Sunday.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


iSearch - A multi-modal search engine

The user performs search and retrieval of multimedia content using as query text, images, 3D objects and their combinations. The search engine is available at the following URL:

The user can log in to the system (with a user account) or not. In this experiment, no log-in is required.

1.1. Text-based search vs. Image-based search
In order to implement this scenario, you can use the sample queries that are available at the following link:
Here we are searching for a specific media item (e.g. the 2D image of a flower). Here, the case is that the user takes a picture of a flower. Although he/she is not aware of its name, he/she would like to get some additional information about it (plus additional photos, 3D objects - if any, videos, etc.). The first keyword that comes to mind is “flower” (since the specific name of the flower is not known). Type the relevant keyword (“flower”) to the edit box of the GUI and press the button “Search”. The engine returns results from the database.
Alternative queries:
- Search by Image: Press the button. Drag and drop or upload the query image (one of the samples provided in “Sample_Queries_1” folder). Press the search button. The engine returns results with visual similarity to the given image.
Compare the results of the text-based query to those returned using an image query. The comparison should be done according to which result list is more satisfactory.

1.2. Multimodal search
In order to implement this scenario, please download the sample queries that are available at the following link:
In this case, more than one queries are combined.
Search scenarios:
- Search by Image: Press the button. Drag and drop or upload the query image (car_4.jpg) from the “Sample_queries_2” folder. Press the search button. The engine returns results with visual similarity to the given image.
- Search by 3D object: Press the button. Drag and drop or upload the query 3D object (car_3d_1.dae) from the “Sample_queries_2” folder. Press the search button. The engine returns results with visual similarity to the given 3D object. A screenshot of the 3D object is also available if the user has no 3D viewer.
- 3D object + image: first enter as query a 3D object. Then enter as query an image. Press the search button. The engine returns results with visual similarity to both the given 3D object and the image.
Compare the retrieved results with the multimodal queries with those returned with mono-modal queries (using one media each time).

1.3. Free search tasks
Download the “Sample_queries_3” folder from the following link:
Make similar tests with mono-modal and multimodal queries from the Sample_queries_3 folder (text, image, 3D object and their combinations). Evaluate the retrieved results (if they are relevant to the given queries).

2.1. Results Presentation
After pressing the “Search” button, a number of relevant items is retrieved. If you press the mouse (left-click) on one of the results, a pop-up box appears. It includes:
- Image of the object
- 3D representation of the object (if any)
- Sound of the object (if any)
- Video of the object (if any)
The results are shorted by relevance to the query.

3.1. Refine Search
Two options for refinement of search results are provided:
- The “Find Similar” option: The user selects one of the retrieved results and presses the link “Find Similar”. A new search is initiated using as query the selected object.
- The “Relevance Feedback” option: The user marks one or more relevant results by pressing the “star” button (bottom right corner of the object’s visualisation box). After selection of relevant results, the user presses the “Search” button, i.e. the “>” button.

Monday, September 10, 2012

ΘΕΣΕΙΣ ΕΡΕΥΝΗΤΩΝ/manager στα ερευνητικά προγράμματα FP7: 3DTVS και IMPART

στο Εργαστήριο Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης και Ανάλυσης Πληροφοριών, Τμήμα Πληροφορικής του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης.

  • Υποψήφιοι Διδάκτορες ή Ερευνητές που να κατέχουν μεταπτυχιακό ή δίπλωμα Ηλεκτρολόγου Μηχανικού / Πληροφορικής/ Μηχανικού Πληροφορικής / Μαθηματικών / Φυσικής ή ισοδύναμο.
  • Μεταδιδακτορικοί ερευνητές
  • Manager για διαχείριση του έργου 3DTVS
  • Προγραμματιστές/Διαχειριστές υπολογιστικών συστημάτων

Προφίλ του εργαστηρίου και σχετικές πληροφορίες μπορείτε να βρείτε στη διεύθυνση . Οι θέσεις χρηματοδοτούνται από τα προγράμματα 3DTVS και IMPART τα οποία χρηματοδοτούνται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Το γενικό θέμα έρευνας είναι η α) ανάλυση, δεικτοδότηση και ανάκτηση βίντεο τρισδιάστατης τηλεόρασης β) επεξεργασία και ανάλυση ψηφιακής εικόνας και βίντεο και η τεχνητή όραση με εφαρμογή σε video postproduction. Μια ενδεικτική λίστα πιθανών ερευνητικών αντικειμένων είναι:

  • Ανάλυση Ψηφιακού Βίντεο
  • Τεχνητή Όραση (αναγνώριση κίνησης, συναισθημάτων)
  • Ανάλυση Τρισδιάστατης Εικόνας
  • Ανάκτηση μόνο τρισδιάστατου βίντεο (3DTV content analysis, indexing and retrieval)

Το ακριβές ερευνητικό αντικείμενο των νέων ερευνητών θα επιλεγεί έτσι, ώστε να συμφωνεί με την προηγούμενη εμπειρία του/ της με σκοπό την επίτευξη της μέγιστης αποδοτικότητας. Η διάρκεια της εργασίας μπορεί να επεκταθεί για 3 χρόνια ή και περισσότερο. Άτομα με αποδεδειγμένη ερευνητική εμπειρία σε ένα απο τα παρακάτω πεδία: ψηφιακή επεξεργασία εικόνας, τεχνητή όραση, γραφικά, διεπαφές ανθρώπου-υπολογιστή, επεξεργασία σήματος, πολύ καλή γνώση αγγλικών, προγραμματισμό σε C/C++ και ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον σε ακαδημαϊκή έρευνα θα προτιμούνται ιδιαιτέρως. Για την θέση manager απαιτούνται και τεχνικές γνώσεις των προαναφερόμενων αντικειμένων και γνώσεις/ενδιαφέρον για διαχείριση προγραμμάτων (προγραμματισμός εργασιών, παρακολούθηση εκτέλεσης και κατανάλωσης πόρων, συγγραφή παραδοτέων, τριμηνιαίοι και ετήσιοι οικονομοτεχνικοί απολογισμοί, consortium agreement, διαχείριση πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων) και πολύ καλή γνώση Αγγλικών. Για τις θέσεις προγραμματιστή/διαχειριστή απαιτούνται και τεχνικές γνώσεις των προαναφερομένων αντικειμένων και γνώσεις/ενδιαφέρον για διαχείριση υπολογιστικών συστημάτων (π.χ. SQL Server, Windows Server & Active Directory, δίκτυη & διαχείριση, επιλογή/επισκευή hardware, web Development, Linux, Apache, MySQL, C/C++, Visual Studio, .NET). Θα προτιμηθούν άτομα που έχουν θετικό/τεχνολογικό πτυχίο και ενδεχομένως μεταπτυχιακό τίτλο (όπως τα προαναφερόμενα).

Η προθεσμία για τις παραπάνω θέσεις είναι μέχρι τις 15 Οκτωβρίου 2012.

Οι υποψήφιοι θα πρέπει να είναι μόνο πολίτες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και θα πρέπει να στείλουν τα βιογραφικά τους και τις συστατικές επιστολές με φαξ ή με e-mail (προτιμότερο) στον:

Καθηγητή Ιωάννη Πήτα

Τμήμα Πληροφορικής

Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης

e-mail: pitas<at>aiia<dot>csd<dot>auth<dot>gr

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

IC3D 2012 - International Conference on 3D Imaging 2012

Royal Opera House, Liège, Belgium
3-5 noon December 2012
Technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Call for Papers
IC3D 2012 - International Conference on 3D Imaging 2012
Royal Opera House, Liège, Belgium
3-5 noon December 2012
Technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society

IC3D provides in-depth coverage of all the aspects of 3D.IC3D addresses all the modalities/types of 3D, including stereoscopic, multiview (or multiscopic), lightfield (or plenoptic or integral), volumetric, holographic, and range (or depth), as well as free-viewpoint imaging/TV and wide-angle or omnidirectional imaging.IC3D considers, for each of these 3D modalities, all possible operations in each conceivable, end-to-end 3D processing chain, e.g. from the capture of real 3D images or the generation of synthetic 3D images, through pre-processing, scene modeling, compression, coding, transmission, storage, and post-processing, to visualization, printing, and other forms of exploitation.IC3D explores the many applications of each of these 3D modalities, mainly ranging from cinema and broadcast, through industry, engineering, design, science, medicine, defense, and R&D, to communication, education, and entertainment.IC3D covers all the bases for all the above topics, including the principles, theories, sciences, physics, optics, electronics, algorithms, processing, technologies, and human factors.All of the above defines what we mean by “3D imaging”.

Topics of interest
They include:
All conventional and exotic 3D modalities
All operations, applications, and bases for each 3D modality
Human 3D perception, including Vision Science
Capture and generation of 3D data
Transformation of captured and generated 3D data
Modeling of 3D scenes from captured 3D data
3D stereography
Transmission and/or storage of 3D content
3D visualization and immersion
3D input devices
3D printing
Processing of 3D data and images
3D audio
Applications of 3D

PhD position: machine learning, data mining, information retrieval

Open PhD position at the newly founded Knowledge Mining and Assessment Group (Prof. Ulf Brefeld, at Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany.

The position's focus will be on machine learning, data mining, and information retrieval, particularly on unsupervised information extraction and aggregation. Duties and responsibilities include teaching as well as academic research. The group closely collaborates with the German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF) in Frankfurt/Main ( and is part of the research initiative for Knowledge Discovery in the Web ( 


The candidate should have or expect to obtain a MSc or equivalent in computer science, mathematics, or physics. 

Desirable skills:

* profound knowledge of kernel machines, structured input-output spaces, graphical models, and probabilistic inference

* strong mathematical skills

* practical experience with automatic web crawlers 

* expertise in natural language processing and information extraction

* practical experience of processing data at internet scales using Hadoop/MapReduce

* strong programming skills

* good written and spoken communication skills in German or English.

The position is a fixed-term contract with an option to extend it, provided certain conditions are met. We offer the possibility of further scientific qualification towards a doctoral degree. The salary is based on TV-TU Darmstadt (standard for employees at TU Darmstadt). A part-time working arrangement is possible.

The Department of Computer Science of TU Darmstadt is regularly ranked among the best in Germany. We invite applications from women and people with disabilities. More informations (in German):

Inquiries should be directed to Applications (reference number 351) should be addressed to the Dean of the Department of Computer Science, Hochschulstr. 10, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany. Deadline: September 23.

ANN: Visual obs. & anal. of animal and insect behavior (VAIB12)

Visual observation and analysis of animal and insect behavior (VAIB'12)

A 1 day workshop to be held November 11, 2012 at the 2012 International Conference on Pattern Recognition Tsukuba, Japan

There has been an enormous amount of research on analysis of video data of humans, but relatively little on visual analysis of other organisms. The goal of this workshop is to stimulate and bring together the current research in this area, and provide a forum for researchers to share expertise.

The following papers are planned for the program.


Mapping All Social Interactions in a Honeybee Hive
C. L. Luengo Hendriks, ZQ. Yu, A. Lecocq, B. Locke, O. Terenius

Bumblebees Detection and Tracking
B. D. Miranda-Maya, J. Salas-Rodriguez, P. Vera-Alfaro

Counting the Number of Bumblebees Entering and Leaving a Beehive
J. Salas-Rodriguez, P. Vera-Alfaro, B. D. Miranda-Maya

Local Appearance Feature Based Classification of the Theraphosidae Family
Ã. Utasi

3D Tracking of Building Process in Macrotermes
K. Petersen, N. Napp, J. Chin-Lee, J. Werfel, R. Nagpal

    Flying Animals

Vision System for Wingbeat Analysis of Bats in the Wild
M. Breslav, N. Fuller, M. Betke

Analysing the hovering flight of the hummingbird using statistics of the optical flow field
F. Martínez Carrillo, A. Manzanera, E. Romero

Error Analysis and Design Considerations for Stereo Vision Systems Used to Analyze Animal Behavior
G. Towne, D. H. Theriault, Z. Wu, N. Fuller, T. H. Kunz, M. Betke

    Ground Animals

Multiple Animal Species Detection Using Robust Principal Component Analysis and Large Displacement Optical Flow
P. Khorrami, JP. Wang, T. Huang

Rat behavior: human versus automatically generated annotation
E. A. van Dam

HMM Based Behavior Recognition of Laboratory Animals
S. Sandikci, P. Duygulu

Automated tracking of motor behavior as a means to assess severity of symptoms in the 6-OHDA marmoset model of Parkinson's disease
T. Palmer, M. Santana, Fuentes, Petersson

Learning animal social behavior from trajectory features
E. Eyjolfsdottir, X. P. Burgos-Artizzu, S. Branson, K. Branson, D. J. Anderson, P. Perona

    Fish and other marine animals

Three-dimensional behavior measurements of small aquatic lives using a single camera
K. Kawasue, S. Nagatomo, Y. Oya

Using non-local background modeling to quantify the schooling behaviour of sticklebacks
S. Tavare R. Ardekani, A. K. Greenwood, C. L. Peichel

Using Sparse Representation for Fish Recognition and Verification in Real World Observation
Yi-Haur, F.-P. Lin

Long-term underwater camera surveillance for monitoring and analysis of fish populations
B. J. Boom, P. X. Huang, C. Spampinato, S. Palazzo, J. He, C. Beyan, E. Beauxis-Aussalet, J. van Ossenbruggen, G. Nadarajan, Y.-H. Chen-Burger, D. Giordano, L. Hardman, F.-P. Lin, R. B. Fisher

Marker-Based Tracking of Subsurface Locomotion in Noisy Environments
M. M. Serrano, S. Sharpe, D. I. Goldman, P. A. Vela

More information can be found at:
For registration, see the main ICPR web site:

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Research Assistant / PhD Student

Open research position in the context of recently funded project focused on video mining, dynamic feature selection, and multimodal sequence representation.

Contact: Maia Zaharieva


The Interactive Media Systems Group of the Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems at the Vienna University of Technology is seeking to recruit a Research Assistant in the field of multimedia retrieval for a fixed period of 3 years.

Description of the post
You will work on project funded by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) and focused on video mining in media repositories. The main objective of the project is the detection of unusual and, thus, potentially interesting sequences in large video collections. Core components include dynamic feature selection, multimodal sequence representation, and data mining and clustering.

You will be expected to collaborate on publications with other members of the project team with the aim of publishing in top tier international journals and conferences in the field of multimedia retrieval. You will have the opportunity to get involved in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate level. We offer a great working atmosphere as well as remuneration according to the collective bargaining agreement §48 VwGr. B1 (praedoc). Additionally, you may participate in the Vienna University of Technology’s human resources development scheme.

The Vienna University of Technology is an equal opportunity employer actively committed to ensuring diversity in all campus employment.

Minimum requirement profile

  • Outstanding Master or Diploma thesis in Computer Science or related disciplines
  • German and English
  • Experience in media analysis and retrieval

Additional qualification profile

  • Project experience
  • Experience in data clustering

Your application should include the following documents:

  • Letter of intent
  • Scientific CV
  • Certificates
  • List of publications (if available)
  • References (if available)