
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

MediaMill - Semantic Video Search Engine

The MediaMill semantic video search engine is bridging the gap between research and applications. It integrates the state-of-the-art techniques developed at the Intelligent Systems Lab Amsterdam of the University of Amsterdam and applies it to realistic problems in video retrieval.

The techniques employed in MediaMill originate from various disciplines such as image and video processing, computer vision, language technology, machine learning and information visualization. To ensure state-of-the-art competitiveness, MediaMill participates in the yearly TRECVID benchmark.

MediaMill has its roots in the ICES-KIS Multimedia Information Analysis project (in conjunction with TNO) and the Innovative Research Program for Image processing (IOP). It blossomed in the BSIK program MultimediaN and the EU FP-6 program VIDI-Video. MediaMill currently plays an important role in the Dutch VENI SEARCHER project, the Dutch/Flemish IM-Pact BeeldCanon project, the Dutch FESCOMMIT program, and the US IARPA SESAME project.

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