We propose a video browsing tool supporting new efficient navigation means and content-based search within a single video, allowing for interactive exploration and playback of video content. The user interface provides flexible navigation indices by visualizing low-level features and frame surrogates along one or more timelines, called interactive navigation summaries. By applying simple and fast content analysis, navigation summary computation becomes feasible during browsing, enabling addition, removal, and update of navigation summaries at runtime. Semantically similar video segments will be visualized by similar patterns in certain navigation summaries, which enables users to quickly recognize and navigate to potential similar segments. Moreover, free-shape regions of video frames or video segments within navigation summaries can be selected by the user to launch a fast content-based search to find frames with similar regions or segments with similar navigation summaries.
A .NET binary (only tested on Windows) of the Video Explorer tool, described in the publication below, is now available for download here.
Klaus Schoeffmann, Mario Taschwer, and Laszlo Boeszoermenyi. 2010. The video explorer: a tool for navigation and searching within a single video based on fast content analysis. In Proceedings of the first annual ACM SIGMM conference on Multimedia systems (MMSys ’10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 247-258. DOI=10.1145/1730836.1730867 http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1730836.1730867
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