
Thursday, March 27, 2014

PostDoc position (3 years) at Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Austria

Institute of Information Technology, Multimedia Communication (MMC) Group (Prof. Hermann Hellwagner)

The MMC group at Klagenfurt University, Austria, is offering a full, three-year PostDoc position (available now) in a basic research project called CONCERT ( Important facts about the project are given in the following. We seek candidates with strong expertise in one or several of the following areas: Multimedia Communication, Machine Learning, Multi-Agent Systems, Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (Probabilistic Models, Bayesian Networks, Game Theory). Applications should be sent to Prof. Hermann Hellwagner <>.

Title: A Context-Adaptive Content Ecosystem Under Uncertainty (CONCERT)
Duration: 3 years


  • University College London (UK): Prof. George Pavlou, Dr. Wei Chai (Coordinator)
  • University of Surrey (UK): Dr. Ning Wang
  • Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (CH): Prof. Pascal Frossard
  • Alpen-Adria-Universität (AAU) Klagenfurt (AT): Prof. Hermann Hellwagner

Project character and funding

CONCERT is an international basic research project accepted as a CHIST-ERA project under the Call for Proposals “Context- and Content-Adaptive Communication Networks”. CHIST-ERA is an ERANET consortium, part of the EC FP7 Programme “Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)” ( Funding is provided by the national basic research funding agencies, in Austria the FWF (Austrian Science Fund).


The objective of CONCERT is to develop a content ecosystem encompassing all rele- vant players which will be able to perform intelligent content and network adaptation in highly dynamic conditions under uncertainty. This ecosystem will have as basis emerging information-/content-centric networking technologies which support in- trinsic in-network content manipulation. The project will consider uncertainty aspects in the following two application domains: (1) social media networks based on user generated content and (2) CDN-like professional content distribution (Content Distri- bution Networks). Three dimensions of uncertainties will be addressed: (1) heteroge- neous and changing service requirements by end users, (2) threats that may have adverse impacts on the content ecosystem, as well as (3) opportunities that can be exploited by specific players in order to have their costs reduced …

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