
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Updates on LIRE (SVN rev 39)

Article from
Author:Mathias Lux

LIRE is not a sleeping beauty, so there’s something going on in the SVN. I recently checked in updates on Lucene (now 4.2) and Commons Math (now 3.1.1). Also I removed some deprecation things still left from Lucene 3.x.

Most notable addition however is the Extractor / Indexor class pair. They are command line applications that allow to extract global image features from images, put them into an intermediate data file and then — with the help of Indexor — write them to an index. All images are referenced relatively to the intermediate data file, so this approach can be used to preprocess a whole lot of images from different computers on a network file system. Extractor also uses a file list of images as input (one image per line) and can be therefore easily run in parallel. Just split your global file list to n smaller, non overlapping ones and run n Extractor instances. As the extraction part is the slow one, this should allow for a significant speed-up if used in parallel.

Extractor is run with

$> Extractor -i <infile> -o <outfile> -c <configfile>

  • <infile> gives the images, one per line. Use “dir /s /b *.jpg > list.txt” to create a compatible list on Windows.

  • <outfile> gives the location and name of the intermediate data file. Note: It has to be in a folder parent to all images!

  • <configfile> gives the list of features as a Java Properties file. The supported features are listed below the post. The properties file looks like:

Indexor is run with

Indexor -i <input-file> -l <index-directory>

  • <input-file> is the output file of Extractor, the intermediate data file.

  • <index-directory> is the directory of the index the images will be added (appended, not overwritten)

Features supported by Extractor:

  • net.semanticmetadata.lire.imageanalysis.CEDD

  • net.semanticmetadata.lire.imageanalysis.FCTH

  • net.semanticmetadata.lire.imageanalysis.OpponentHistogram

  • net.semanticmetadata.lire.imageanalysis.JointHistogram

  • net.semanticmetadata.lire.imageanalysis.AutoColorCorrelogram

  • net.semanticmetadata.lire.imageanalysis.ColorLayout

  • net.semanticmetadata.lire.imageanalysis.EdgeHistogram

  • net.semanticmetadata.lire.imageanalysis.Gabor

  • net.semanticmetadata.lire.imageanalysis.JCD

  • net.semanticmetadata.lire.imageanalysis.JpegCoefficientHistogram

  • net.semanticmetadata.lire.imageanalysis.ScalableColor

  • net.semanticmetadata.lire.imageanalysis.SimpleColorHistogram

  • net.semanticmetadata.lire.imageanalysis.Tamura

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