
Thursday, July 18, 2013

LIRE 0.9.4 beta released

Article from

I’ve just uploaded LIRE 0.9.4 beta to the Google Code downloads page. This is an intermediate release that reflects several changes within the SVN trunk. Basically I put it online as there are many, many bugs solved in this one and it’s performing much, much faster than the 0.9.3 release. If you want to get the latest version I’d recommend to stick to the SVN. However, currently I’m changing a lot of feature serialization methods, so there’s no guarantee that an index created with 0.9.4 beta will work out with any newer version. Note also that the release does not work with older indexes ;)

Major changes include, but are not limited to:

  • New features: PHOG, local binary patterns and binary patterns pyramid
  • Parallel indexing: a producer-consumer based indexing application that makes heavy use of available CPU cores. On a current Intel Core i7 or considerably large Intel Xeon system it is able to reduce extraction to a marginal overhead to disk I/O.
  • Intermediate byte[] based feature data files: a new way to extract features in a distributed way
  • In-memory cached ImageSearcher: as long as there is enough memory all linear searching is done in memory without much disk I/O (cp. class GenericFastImageSearcher and set caching to true)
  • Approximate indexing based on hashing: tests with 1.5 million led to search time < 300ms (cp. GenericDocumentBuilder with hashing set to true and BitSamplingImageSearcher)
  • Footprint of many global descriptors has been significantly reduced. Examples: EdgeHistogram 40 bytes, ColorLayout 504 bytes, FCTH 96 bytes, …
  • New unit test for benchmarking features on the UCID data set.

All changes can be found in the CHANGES.txt file.

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