
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Displaying Binary Images and Barcode

Article from The Code Project

One of my friends was asking me how to display barcodes in ASP.NET. There is a great Open Source code written by Bart De Smet which can return a bar code image from a bar code string; you could see his article here. I have just added to it a small option of whether or not to display the code under the bar code. The library returns an Image. I thought, adding the display of the bar code from the bar code string value to RBMBinaryImage would be cool.


In the last version of RBMBinaryImage on CodeProject, some people pointed out that the control worked in Visual Studio perfectly but not well on some servers. I place here a solution for this problem posted by Louis, on of the control users on my site for the RBMBinaryImage, for users using the old version.

  1. Open IIS and open the properties for the website you want the handler to work for.
  2. Open Handler mappings and select a file extension which is served by ASP.NET, like .aspx, and click Edit.
  3. Copy the file that's used over there (should be %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll).
  4. Close the dialog and click Add Script Map... to add a new one. Put the copied value in the right textbox, and fill in .rbm as the extension you want to be handled - uncheck the option "Verify that file exists" when mapping the application extensions.
  5. Next, close all open boxes by clicking OK, and you should be ready to go.

In the new version of the control, we can display a barcode as an image. Shown below is a screenshot:

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