
Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Articles from CodeProject

By Mohammad Reza Khosravi

Do you like some fun? If you had a busy day and want a distraction from your work, this is for you!
The logic behind Stereoscopy is very simple, but the results are amazing and amusing! Especially when you realize that you can make your own 3D environments with only 2D objects without any difficulties.
When you work with professional 3D software like 3D Studio or Maya, you work on a 3D environment, and see the results on your monitor in two dimensions (usually), but here it's different. It means that you work on a two dimensional environment, but the results are totally in 3D.
What is Stereoscopy?
Stereoscopy is a technique for viewing pictures in three dimensions; when you are looking at a stereogram, you can imagine that you are viewing the real scene from a window. Size, depth, and distance are perceptible as when viewing the original.
How Is It Possible?
Our eyes are separated by a distance of about 6-7 cm. It makes a difference in the point of view of each eye, and therefore the aspect of every scene is slightly different in the eyes. When these two different pictures fuse in the brain, it makes a 3D scene. Read More

Simple Image Editor with Crop and Resize while Maintaining Aspect Ratio
By Member 3647417

I was developing a project that required adding images to a database. Most of the images were acquired from an 8 megapixel digital camera, so the sizes were quite large. I originally just re-sized the images proportionally to 1024 x 768 and called it good. But it bothered me that some images contained busy backgrounds or distractions that could be cropped out. This project is the result of my efforts.
Note that I don't claim to have written most of the code for this project. I have stood on the shoulders of giants, and learned and reused code from many different CodeProject articles. Hopefully, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. This article is based upon code from ImageResizer.aspx and various CodeProject articles. Read More

Rendering Shapefile in OpenGL
By Durga Prasad Dhulipudi

ESRI shapefiles are well known vector data formats used for Mapping a.k.a GIS applications .There are many open source softwares like JUMP,SharpMap that let the users to view the shapefiles.This article focuses on rendering them in OpenGL console. I assume that the intended is familiar with OpenGL and understands concepts like linking with static or dynamic libraries in Microsoft Visual Studio environment.
Shapefiles hold geographic information in the form of points,lines and polygons.For instance- political boundaries like Countries,States are treated as Polygon shapefiles;linear features such as roads,rivers are Line shapefiles and;Airports or BusBays are sometimes treated as point shapefiles. Read More

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